We are committed to protect your personal data. Therefore, we collect data only in accordance with the GDPR. In our privacy policy we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing concerning our website.


If you contact us or fill in a contact form on our website, the data you provide will be saved to process your request or to contact you for further information. This data will not be transferred to an outside third party without your consent.


To process your request, reservation, order, activation, registration or the transmission of other contact forms on our website as well as to save and store your data we use a CRM System and cloud services. Through the use of these services and systems your data will be processed and stored, at least in part, also outside of the EU.
The adequate level of data protection is based on an adequacy decision taken by the European Commission (“Privacy Shield”) or on data processing agreements with the respective company.
The data you provide is required to fulfil the contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. Especially certain types of data (e.g. name and surname, address or place of business, tax ID or VAT-number) are required for the conclusion of a contract to meet our tax obligations or any other legal provisions. Without this data we cannot conclude a contract with you. The data you provide will be stored in our CRM systems and database until you revoke your consent.
For the payment process and to fulfil our tax obligations your credit card data will be transferred to the payment provider and to our tax accountant.
The data processing takes place in accordance with the requirements of art. 6 para. 1 lit a (consent) and/or lit b (processing necessary for the performance of a contract) of the GDPR.
The data storage takes place in accordance with the requirements of art. 6 para. 1 lit f (legitimate interests) of the GDPR.
Our objective in accordance with the GDPR (legitimate interests) is the statistical evaluation and analysis of our efforts to turn clients into repeat clients and to offer an adequate service as well as special offers and prices to our repeat clients.


Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a device with the help of the browser. Cookies do not cause any damage.
We use cookies to create a user-friendly offer and to display relevant content. Some cookies are stored on a device until you delete them. They allow us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website.
If you do not wish to accept cookies you can change the settings of your browser in order to prevent the saving of cookies or to get a notification anytime cookies are used, so you will be able to allow cookies in individual cases.
The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance also offers the possibility to block the use of non-technical third party cookies on its website:
Without cookies certain sections of our website might not work properly.


You have the right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and the right to object. If you object, the legitimacy of consented data processing until the moment of your objection will remain intact. If you want make use of one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details stated below. If you believe that the processing of your data violates the data protection law or that your privacy rights are violated otherwise, you can contact the supervisory authority.


Tanja und Marc-Alexander Paeske